Medical Intuitive Joy McEntire


Medical Intuitive ~ DNA Communicator ~ Healing at the level of DNA ~ Energy Healer ~ Matrix Energetics ~ Red & Infrared Light Therapy ~ Fun, Interactive Sessions
Medical Intuition
I am highly medically intuitive with a very helpful background understanding of the body, anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, proteins, DNA, and more. I have an ability to help people find amazing answers to their medical questions. I provide consultations internationally, for people of all ages, both in-person and via video chat.
Medical intuition is simply a technique whereby someone has developed any ability to "know" or "find" information as it relates to someone's very unique physical body and health-related things.
I find answers within the DNA, the genes, and the chemistry, in addition to all of the other body systems and related information.
Here, leading-edge medical intuitive techniques come to life and provide practical answers to health-related questions ...
... and then, between the information that's tailored to you, and the energy healing that also seems to just happen when I'm working with people, you can begin stepping out of older patterns and help your body more on its journey of healing.
There are many levels of medical intuition.

My medical intuition tends to focus on the inner workings of the body, such as:
... which body systems are most impacted, and in what order of priority...
... whether you have particular chromosomes that are not functioning as well as they ought to be...
... the overall condition of your chromosomes as it relates to your age...
... your "missing chemistry pieces" and how you're doing with putting amino acids together to make the proteins that run your body...
... supplements your body is asking for, and HOW your body is using your supplements (oh, it's sometimes SO fun and very interesting to see this, if you bring some supplements to take during your appointment!) ...
... what's happening in some of your key systems when you're eating food...
... a few high-priority baseline systems that greatly impact health (besides the DNA, but equally as helpful), sytems that help you to that greatly improve life-force energy, create more stem cells, etc. ...
... and many more fun things.
Medical intuition can help you to create more vibrant health, by focusing on your unique DNA, and body, energy flows and more, and providing information that is so unique and yet very helpful.
Medical Intuition is here to empower you, and to help you improve your quality of life and begin understanding why your body has reacted the way it has... why one change can bring so many hidden consequences later down the road... why, when you do something that you think will improve your health, it may actually have the opposite effect after a while... and so on.
There is no question that cannot be asked.

Medical Intuitive Consultations
If you are interested in knowing more about the consultations I provide, or would like to schedule a consultation, please use the links below.

If you're not sure, check out some of the Case Studies. There's some very interesting reading and a few helpful ideas in some of them... 

Everything in the body is connected, and there are genes that control every single detail of your life.
(There is much more in the genes than most people have any idea about ... yet...)
It helps to know which body systems and organs are affected, but there is much more...
... there is also biology... and chemistry... and there are chromosomes, genes and switches...
... and most of all, there is balance ... (and one could go on and on and on...)
... and then the body creates work-arounds for off-balance situations...
... and then more work-arounds for the next set of off-balance situations...
... and so on
In the midst of this, if you can find the beginnings of the work-arounds within the DNA, then many other related things can also be corrected.
I find sources of imbalances in the DNA and other related things in the body by using a variety of tools, including the extensive gene map that is currently available.

As well, I will often help you to find a life experience where a bigger imbalance may have begun (as you'll see if you read through some of my Case Studies). Often on "discovering" the link between the life experience and the genetic changes, your energy realigns, because you will understand why the physical might have begun expressing different patterns.
My background provides a very foundational understanding of the body, anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, proteins, DNA. I attended an intensive nursing school program for Registered Nurse (R.N.), and graduated at the top of my class. This training included a final year of hospital hands-on training, rotating through all of the various medical practices during that time, complete with assignments and in-depth study. I subsequently practiced as a registered nurse for many years.

During this time, I picked up much information and many techniques and tools that underlie the high quality of my medical intuition.

Almost every day, I continue my "education", using the most modern up-to-date and highly recommended textbooks that I can find. As well, I am also a computer programmer and have worked for many years in the IT departments of big corporations, which means that it’s easy for me to design effective high-level databases and create other work-arounds to keep expanding core medical knowledge, not to mention that programming and database design also creates an ability to think clearly and to provide leading-edge answers in many other ways.

Over the years, I have spent a lot of time using my medical intuition to help people find answers to many obscure health issues, and I have learned that most "standard" answers are just “the tip of the iceberg.”

It is necessary to be aware of the big picture, such as which body systems are most impacted or are “at the top of the stack”, but it’s actually more helpful to go much deeper, such as down to the tiniest little bits of chemistry and biology in the body, and most importantly, even into the DNA.

The DNA, however, isn't quite that simple either, and comes with a whole set of other core components, such as amino acids, nucleobases, RNA, and more. It takes many pieces and underlying things to help the DNA work well, so I like to check the underlying chemistry and proteins as well as the genes, and so much more.

For individuals who prefer just the basic information, such as help with food and diet, or which organs and body systems are impacted, or what “label” (a.k.a. name of illness) might be the best energy-match for their symptoms, I can easily provide that information as well... but I am almost certain that you'll want to learn more.
You may find it fascinating to see just what happens during a consultation.
There's no way to describe the types of things that come up in just a few words.
The intricately intertwined chemistry, biology, genetic makeup, interplay with diet, living conditions, and more cannot be put into into words.
It's far easier for you to read a few of the Case Studies that I've published on my website, as that way, you'll have a far better idea of what it's all about.
Even if you're not technically inclined, don't worry... there are many interesting and intriguing ideas included, since I tend to "explain" what's going on in something-close-to-plain-English. (The jury is still out on that one though...)
So here are the links...

Correcting DNA
Page last updated on 7/6/2022

Correcting DNA


Joy is highly
medically intuitive.

Also known as
The Joyful Healer,
she is very
experienced with
helping people to find amazing answers
to their medical questions.

She has an extensive understanding of the body and DNA.

She brings
leading-edge techniques
to everyday life,
practical answers
to questions about
health, DNA, diet and food, and product development.
Joy is a professional
member of the
International Association
of Medical Intuitives